Leaders' Blog

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Our leaders like to keep in touch regularly and this is their blog page to let you know what's on their minds month by month... 


Life's a Puzzle 

First of all, may I wish you all a Happy New Year and every blessing for 2025.
So, Christmas is over, and another year has begun, in fact we are over a week in. 
Over the holiday season, our family along with many other people I am sure, began a couple of jigsaw puzzles.
The first one we did was a wasjig, (Jigsaw in reverse).  We had the puzzle and some clues but had no picture to follow.  We had to use quite a bit of logic and some common sense and once we had some of the pieces in place it became a bit easier to sort out.


Looking at the picture above, life sometimes feels like jumbled pieces of a jigsaw.  Nothing seems to be in order, no sense of what our lives should look like.
The second puzzle we had a picture for, and it was somewhat easier although it has taken us considerably longer. 


When we are part way through the puzzle and it's incomplete – we feel as though we are proceeding slowly.  Sometimes through life it feels like we are treading through sticky mud, and we don’t feel like we are progressing.   
A really frustrating thing in puzzle making is to find that there is one piece missing. 
More importantly though, God is preparing a place for us in Heaven and sadly there will be pieces/people missing. John 3 v 16 in the Bible reminds us that the only way for us live for ever with God is to trust in Him now whilst we have the chance.


We see only part of our lives, but God sees the complete picture.  He knows what the end result will be, and we have Him, and the Bible as guides when things are tough.

There is a poem I particularly like, and though it doesn’t actually talk about jigsaws, it points to the fact that we don’t know the pathway of our lives, but God has a plan and has it all under control.

The Weaving

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colours
He weaves so steadily.

Often He weaves sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.

Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skilful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned

He knows, He loves, He cares;
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the choice to Him.

God bless you all
Jackie (January 2025)


The most powerful thing in the Universe...

November Blog

What’s the most powerful thing in the universe? Who knows.?

Perhaps money, the brain, the military, women, Elan, Gamma rays, words or is it the last thing suggested by my search “I am”.

In the bible in Matthew 13:44 Jesus tells us a short parable (story): ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field .When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field’.

I believe a biblical interpretation of that story explains the most powerful thing in the universe. God’s Love. Let me explain Jesus’s thinking. The treasure is God’s people. The field is the world. The man is Jesus.

God loved me and you so much that Jesus his Son gave all he had to purchase us as his treasure. That just blows my mind. I’ll repeat, it was the love of God working through Jesus giving all he had (his life) to purchase us as his treasure. We are his treasure! Surely that’s the most powerful thing in the universe- God’s love, accept and revel in it today.

Blessings until next time, Rich

November 2024

Into the Depths 

sea1What do you know? As I get even older, one thing I know for sure is that there is so much I don’t know. So much so that I don’t know whether I have already written about not knowing!!

So why write an introduction about ‘not knowing’? Lately, in discussion with the Leadership team and in times of Worship, it has felt as if God is saying “Go deeper. You are splashing around in the shallows and there is so much more.”

I love the sea, well water really, puddles, ponds, rivers, but especially the sea. As a child I can remember the thrill of driving through the French Alps in the summer and the amazing views of the crystal-like turquoise rivers threading through the gorges and the valleys. Just beautiful - etching our journey through the mountains. Equally, a vast expanse of grey-green sea disappearing into the gloom or the incredible ferocity as the angry elements battered the Cornish coast (where I lived for a time) is a source of wonder.

But “go deeper”. As we look at a seascape there is so much to attract our gaze; the colours of the different depths, objects on the horizon and the way in which the waters rise and swell according to the currents, invisible to us on the shore. We ‘know’ the ocean is teeming with life. We have seen nature programmes on television, seen books and articles. Even animated films where Clown fish are lost and found! All these scenarios are set in deeper waters and we ‘know’ it is all there. However, is that enough? Could we be missing out on so much that is available; things that can enrich our lives and bless us with knowledge and beautiful experiences perhaps? Don’t we want to find Nemo and live every part, feel it, witness the action for real?

“Go deeper”. I wonder if we do this in our Christian faith. We have read the Bible, we listen to speakers, read the books and the articles, watch the films and even study chapters and books together and/or individually. We pore over the words of our Saviour (as we should). But do we “go deeper” or should I say, do I “go deeper”?

To find Nemo we would have to put in some serious effort and stop that splashing in the shallows. We would need to change our clothes, learn how to snorkel or scuba dive, make the time, be fit and be prepared to immerse ourselves fully in the ocean’s coral reefs and murky depths. Crucially, we would need to believe we could find him, that he was there. We would need to believe he was trying to get to us and was probably doing extraordinary things to ensure he is found; things beyond our imagination. It would entail a journey beyond our wildest dreams, an uncovering of an underwater paradise.

I wonder if this is the same with Jesus. I am saved by grace and mercy but there are choices to be made. I need to change my clothes from that of the world, to robes of righteousness; I need to learn His ways, make time, keep fit and alert to all He offers, seek opportunities He provides and be prepared to immerse myself fully in the journey to find Him. Of course the Bible has all we need, but the book of Acts is an illustration of all that is available to you and me. An extraordinary paradise of signs and wonders available when we are living in tune with the Holy Spirit. Available when we fully immerse ourselves in Jesus. The amazing thing is that everything that the followers of Jesus experienced more than 2000 years ago is available to us. There is power and there are miracles, and crucially a saviour who is looking for us to join Him.

Let’s jump in! Let’s “go deeper”.

Blessings, Sue

September 2024

A Good Book 


Do you like a good book? What kind of book do you like? A novel, fiction, poetry, non-fiction; maybe a thriller or science-fiction. Maybe you enjoy a good biography or a historical romance.

Maybe you have a favourite author too.

I’m not a particularly avid reader. I like to read but it’s often a technical book, history, rarely fiction; I will often read a novel if I’m on holiday. I’d be put off by a long book, maybe more than 400 pages, although not so long ago I read ‘The Promised Land’ by President Obama which tops 700 pages.

I did read 2 books back-to-back recently; most unusual! However both of these books gave me a remarkable insight into the people depicted in the stories. They were so detailed I felt I almost got to know them personally.

There is a book I read every day. Strange as it may seem, I have a number of copies of it, the first being given to me on my 8th birthday. It is the Bible, sometimes known as the Holy Bible. There are many different versions available each one giving a particular emphasis. My first bible was the Revised Standard Version.


The word Bible means simply ‘the books’. The Bible is a library, or collection, of 66 books divided into 2 sections; the Old Testament with 39 books and the New Testament with 27 books.

Much of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, is a record of God’s interaction with his chosen people, the Jews. But the New Testament gives us an account of the life of Jesus on this earth; His love and His passion to develop a relationship with each and every one of us. It then goes on to mention the growth of the early church as it spread out from the Middle East.

If you’ve got a Bible and you haven’t read for a while, pick it up and give it a go. If you’re not too sure where to begin, go to the New Testament and find John’s gospel. You’ll find God talking to you…. and I can say for certain that you’ll start to get to know Him too.
You can find out more about the Bible here.

 Gavin - August 2024