Lapford Foodbank

The ARK is the home of Lapford Foodbank, providing emergency food support to anyone in need in the area and in accordance with the most recent government COVID-19 lockdown restrictions is still operating. The Foodbank is intended as a buffer between having food and not being able to eat. All goods stored are non-perishable items.
If you need to contact the Foodbank during the current COVID-19 situation, please call 01363 83788 or email
If a food pack is required, this may be requested through the School, the Doctors' Surgeries, Preschool or using the number above. Food packs are usually delivered, but maybe collected by arrangement.
Items are donated by members of the community and local churches. If you would like to support the Foodbank, donations can be arranged by appointment using the number above.
We are currently short of the following items:
Coffee, tea, chocolate
Jam, honey, marmalade, peanut butter, Choc spread
Pasta/ rice / spaghetti
Pasta sauces/ tinned tomatoes
Baked beans, tinned spaghetti
UHT milk, semi skimmed and whole milk
Tinned carrots, potatoes, corn, peas
Tinned fruit
Tinned meats
Tinned tuna, sardines, mackerel
Ketchup, salad cream, mayonnaise
Squashes, apple and orange juice
Rice pudding, custard
Washing powder/ toilet paper
Washing up liquid
Shampoo/ bath and shower gel
Toothpaste and tooth brushes
Cereals, sugar
Alternatively you might like to make a donation to the Foodbank...