Church @ The Victory Hall



We are offering an opportunity to meet together at the Victory Hall on the
13th September to listen to, and watch the Lapford Community Church service, as well as to hum along to the songs.   
This will follow the form of the online service that we presently use and will include a talk from Hazel Britton. 
We are sure you understand that to meet the current Government guidance, there will need to be strict procedures in place. 
The main doors will be open from 10.30 for you to be able to settle yourselves
for a 10.45 start.  Face coverings will be required, and Anti-bac hand gel will be available.  We request that you maintain social distance whilst in the hall.  Please ring Briony on 01363 83666 or Jackie on 01837 83425 (mob 07751 037901) to reserve your seats.  
For track and trace purposes, we will be making a list of people present and
would ask that you provide contact details.

Please vacate the hall immediately after the meeting and exit through the cloakroom lobby.  You are more than welcome to have socially distance conversations in the car park area. 
Please be aware of other people wanting to use the pavement outside.

If you have any general concerns or requests about life in general, please feel free to
contact us either by using the link or by the phone numbers above.